Abortion Notification System

The Abortion Notification System has been in use since 1998. It compiles information about notifications of abortions (terminations of pregnancy) performed in Western Australia.

Data governance

The Maternal and Child Health (MCH) team manage the Abortion Notification System.

In line with the Information Management Governance Policy, the Chief Health Officer performs the role of Data Steward and the Principal Data Management Officer, MCH is the Data Custodian.

Sections 202MP and 202MQ of the Public Health Act 2016 (external site) enable the Chief Health Officer to direct responsible persons to provide information about abortions they perform from 27 March 2024 in Western Australia. 

The Chief Health Officer has directed that for abortions performed from 27 March 2024, medical practitioners, endorsed midwives, and nurse practitioners must provide information specified in Schedule 1 of the Chief Health Officer [Provision of Abortion Information] Directions 2024 (PDF 148KB). 

This information must be notified by the responsible person and can only be submitted by e-form.

Go to Abortion Notifications to select the correct e-form version.

For abortions performed in the period 1998 to 26 March 2024, information is held in the Abortion Notification System that was received via notifications of induced abortions by medical practitioners as required by Section 334 of the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911 (external site). For this period, the notification content was specified as Form 1 Reg 2 (PDF 91KB).

Data sources

For each abortion performed in Western Australia, one notification is required to be submitted by one of the responsible people. 

Go to Abortion Notifications to select the correct notification format for the abortion performed.

For abortions performed from 27 March 2024, a medical practitioner, endorsed midwife, or nurse practitioner is a responsible person who must provide information to the Chief Health Officer. 

For abortions performed in the period 1998 to 26 March 2024, notifications were via Form 1 in paper or e-form format from medical practitioners working in public and private services. The notifications described abortions (terminations of pregnancy) performed in Western Australia.

Data elements

The data items contained in the WA Abortion Notification System are described with metadata for events from Jan 2001 to 26 March 2024 (external site).

See Reference material section of this page for other documents that describe this information.

Data coverage

Information held in the Abortion Notification System is about gestational age of the pregnancy, reason for abortion, and procedures used to perform the abortion. Minimal demographic data for age range and regional location of the person are also collected. Information provided for abortions performed from 27 March 2024 do not enable identification of health practitioners performing abortion or the person who had the abortion.

For abortions performed from 27 March 2024 all information provided to the Chief Health Officer is to be submitted via an e-form process.

For abortions performed in the period 1998 to 26 March 2024, information was provided in Form 1 format and was added to the Abortion Notification System through data entry. From 2020, An e-form process was in use.


  • Medical and surgical abortions in hospital settings.
  • Medical abortions in outpatient settings.
  • Medical abortions conducted remotely.
  • Single fetus termination in a multiple pregnancy.


  • Nil.
Data quality

For abortions performed from 27 March 2024, the Abortion Notification e-form process must be used. This ensures all notifications are complete and where possible, inconsistent data is highlighted to the notifier for checking and amendment before the e-form is submitted. All forms submitted are accepted. This e-form process ensures the information provider is not identifiable and does not enable information submitted to be returned to notifier.

For abortions performed in the period 1998 to 26 March 2024 cooperative processes (PDF 32KB) between maternal and child health team and the notifying medical practitioner were aimed at ensuring accuracy, data quality improvement, and measurement.

Data requests

Reports about abortions are published regularly.

Aggregate (summarised) data reporting is also available upon request.

Direct requests for reports to birth data.

Data collection changes

Notification of abortion by medical practitioners commenced in 1998.

A review was conducted in 2001. It resulted in changes to the notification by a medical practitioner.

The report of the Review of Provision of the Health Act 1911 and the Criminal Code Relating to Abortion (PDF 369KB) was published in 2002.

Requests for changes to the notification content and format may be directed to the Principal Data Management Officer, Maternal and Child Health team via email to birth data.

Changes will not be implemented unless approved by the Chief Health Officer and relevant legislation or directions are amended. 

Reference material

For abortions performed from 27 March 2024 notifiers must use the Abortion Notification e-form to provide information to the Chief Health Officer.

The information must be submitted within 14 days of the abortion being performed. 

This Guide (PDF 1MB) assists the notifier with accurate completion and successful submission of the Abortion Notification E-form.

Go to E-form abortion Notification notify of abortion.

Historic versions of Form 1 cannot be used to notify of abortion performed from 27 March 2024: 

Training and education

For information about submission of information to the Chief Health Officer about abortion email birth data.

Contact information

Maternal and Child Health
Tel: (08) 6373 1882
Fax: (09) 9222 4408
Email: birthdata@health.wa.gov.au

Last reviewed: 04-09-2024
Produced by

Information and Performance Governance