The communities in Western Australia with fluoridated drinking water are listed below. If your location isn’t listed please contact the Water Corporation (external site) for more information.
In Western Australia, fluoridated drinking water is supplied to the Perth metropolitan area (including Yanchep, Bullsbrook, Ellenbrook, Dawesville, Mandurah and Pinjarra) and most larger regional centres, including:
North West region
- Broome
- Dampier
- Derby (including Mowanjum)
- Hedland (including South Hedland and Wedgefield)
- Karratha
- Kununurra
- Newman
- Point Sampson
- Roebourne
- Wickham
Naturally occurring fluoride is present at around 0.6 milligrams per litre in water supplied in Halls Creek, Marble Bar, Onslow, Paraburdoo and Tom Price.
Midwest region
- Dongara/Port Denison
- Exmouth
- Geraldton
- Greenough
- Moora
- Mullewa
- Northampton
Naturally occurring fluoride is present at around 0.5 milligrams per litre in water supplied in Meekatharra and Carnarvon.
Wheatbelt and Great Southern Regions
- Albany (including Little Grove, Goode Beach and Lower King)
- Beverley
- Boddington
- Brookton
- Bruce Rock
- Coolgardie
- Corrigin
- Cunderdin
- Esperance
- Gnowangerup
- Hyden
- Kalgoorlie
- Kambalda
- Katanning
- Kellerberrin
- Kendenup
- Kojonup
- Merredin
- Mount Barker
- Mundaring (including surrounding suburbs)
- Narrikup
- Narrogin
- Norseman
- Northam
- Pingelly
- Quairading
- Southern Cross
- Toodyay
- Wagin
- Williams
- Wongan Hills
- Wundowie
- York
A number of smaller Wheatbelt and Great Southern region communities are supplied from the same source or treatment plant as the regional centres.
Naturally occurring fluoride is present at around 0.6 milligrams per litre in the water supplied in Bremer Bay, Leonora and Laverton.
South West Region
- Australind
- Binningup
- Brunswick Junction
- Bunbury
- Burekup
- Collie (including Allanson)
- Dalyellup
- Eaton
- Hamel
- Harvey
- Manjimup
- Myalup
- Roelands
- Wagerup
- Waroona
- Wokalup
- Yarloop
The Dunsborough water supply is de-fluoridated to the optimal level, as fluoride is naturally occurring in the source water at a higher level.
This scheme supplies the towns of Dunsborough, Quindalup and Yallingup. Groundwater is sourced for Dunsborough’s water supply from more than one aquifer. The Water Corporation removes fluoride from groundwater extracted from the Sue aquifer as fluoride levels in that aquifer exceed the health-related guideline value set under the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (external site). Fluoride is not removed from groundwater extracted from the Leederville aquifer. As the use of groundwater bores from these aquifers is not continuous, fluoride removal is not continuous.
The recommended range and optimum concentration for the Dunsborough water supply have been specified to provide a duty of care target (0.7-1.0 milligrams per litre and just under 0.9 milligrams per litre respectively).
The Water Corporation (external site) can provide more information on the water supply in your particular area.
NB – Construction of fluoridation plants for Capel and Donnybrook has been delayed due to resourcing delays and the constrained construction market. It is anticipated that the plants will be operational by April 2025.