Safety and first aid

Lead exposure and fishing gear

People who make or regularly handle lead fishing sinkers or lures made with lead have an increased risk of lead exposure.

Lead particles can settle on the skin of a person’s hands and body or be transferred to the skin when a person handles fishing equipment that contains lead. If hands are not washed well before drinking, eating, smoking, or preparing food, lead can be transferred to the mouth and ingested via contaminated foods, drinks or smoking devices.

Lead can also enter the body through swallowing or breathing in lead particles, as dusts and fumes, when making or modifying sinkers.

If taken into the body, lead will build up and remain in soft tissues and bones for long periods. Even at low concentrations lead can impact several key systems of the body. Therefore, it is important to minimise exposure to protect yourself and your family by following the advice provided.

How can I be exposed to lead through fishing?
What are the health effects of lead exposure?
What steps can I take to reduce my lead exposure?
Making your own lead fishing sinkers or lures
How can I get tested for lead exposure?

Where to get help

  • See your doctor
  • Ring healthdirect on 1800 022 222
  • Call the Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26 (24 hours a day) if you suspect poisoning
  • For information on exposure at work contact WorkSafe Customer Help Centre on 1300 307 877 or to report an incident call 1800 678 198
  • Contact the Environmental Health Directorate by calling (08) 9222 2000 or emailing

Last reviewed: 16-01-2024

Public Health