Prepare for a heatwave
Get informed and stay up to date with current heatwave alerts (external site) and make sure to listen to radio and television weather reports from the Bureau of Meteorology (external site).
Heatwaves occur when the minimum and maximum temperatures are much hotter than usual for three or more days at a location.
In the event of a heatwave, it is important to prepare yourself and your home for the change in weather conditions.
A suite of community resources and translated information is available and can be downloaded as fact sheets.
Preparing for a heatwave
- If you have acute or chronic medical conditions, talk to your healthcare practitioner about the best ways to stay healthy and keep cool during heatwaves.
- Know who to call for help and who to check on, such as neighbours, friends, relatives, and those who live alone. Share ways to stay safe during heatwaves with others.
- Keep your home cool by keeping windows closed and shutting all blinds and curtains.
- Check air-conditioners and fans are working and set to the ‘cool’ setting. If you need to service or replace your air-conditioner or fan, do so before summer.
- Stock up on food so you are less likely to have to go outside. Take care when you buy, store and handle food in hot weather to reduce the risk of food poisoning.
- Keep electronic devices such as mobile phones and laptops charged.
- Have a battery, solar or wind-up powered torch and radio available. Have spare batteries on hand.
- Prepare a first aid kit.
- Make a plan to keep food and medicine safe during and after a power outage.
- Think about installing insulation and roof cavity cooling if you do not have it already. Insulation keeps your house cool in summer and warm in winter.
- If you are building or renovating, consider how you can make your house more heat tolerant.
Last reviewed: 26-11-2024
This publication is provided for education and information purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Information about a service, product or treatment does not imply endorsement and is not intended to replace professional advice. Readers should note that over time currency and completeness of the information may change. All users should seek advice from a qualified professional for answers to their questions.